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A list of words on key concepts in Overload.

ChunkAn "onchain block", that validators attest on.
ConsensusThe mechanism on how a system validates the onchain chunks. A consensus contract manages the logic for how to reach consensus onchain.
ERC-6906ERC-6909: A Minimal Multi-Token Interface, by jtriley.eth et al.
HooksThe hooks programming pattern is a before and after callback that gives developers more fine-grained control over state. Term originated from Uniswap V4.
AVSAn Actively Validated Service (AVS) can be a blockchain, network, protocol, application - anything that needs validation from validator set with value-at-stake. Term originated from EigenLayer.
SequencerThe entity that posts chunks onchain.
JailedWhen a validator fails on liveness, they can be jailed. Jailed validators are ejected from the validator set and stop earning rewards, and will need to wait until their cooldown period is over before they can either undelegate or re-join the validator set again.
ValidatorA validator attests chunks, by using the stake that has been delegated to them.
OperatorAn operator attests chunks, and differ from validator in that the AVS being validated are the same for every user that deposits to that operator.